About us
The EU medal tracker is created by Euro-Informationen, Berlin, Germany. The communication company is a content provider in the area of consumer-oriented communications.
Euro-Informationen (GbR)
Armin Czysz and Angela Joosten
Zionskirchstr. 23
10119 Berlin-Mitte
Tel. +49-30-443244-0
Fax +49-30-44324432
e-mail: ac@eu-info.de
Authorised Representatives:
Armin Czysz, Angela Joosten
VAT Identification number:
DE 186264357
Images: istockphoto, www.flaggen-server.de
Realisation: Silke Kowalewski (skowa)
Content Management System: Redaxo
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Legal contact:
Euro-Informationen (GbR)
Armin Czysz and Angela Joosten
Zionskirchstr. 23
10119 Berlin-Mitte
Tel. +49-30-443244-0
Fax +49-30-44324432
e-mail: ac@eu-info.de
Other Websites realised by Euro-Informationen:
Information on Germany and Europe:
www.eu-info.de , www.europa-mobil.de
www.krankenkassen.de , www.zinsen.de